Monday, October 3, 2016

Fall, Farm, and Fire Safety

This is our first classroom theme change! The children helped generate a list of things that those 3 words made them think of (Fall, Farm, and Fire).
During the week they helped me switch the room! They selected toys, puzzles, and books that should be available in the room (this is one way that I ensure that the children's interest levels are being met).

Here are some of the highlights from this theme:
-learning fire safety rules (911/stop drop roll)
-how to be a fire fighter
-practicing phone numbers
-pumpkin (parts of a pumpkin, carving, 10 frame seed counting book)
-apples (tasting, graphing, journal documentation of favorites, parts of an apple)
-farm animals/sounds
-baby and mother animal matching
-lots of art activities (finger paint pig, dotted cow, ducks, sheep)
-more class books to tie into our stories: Mrs. Wishy Washy, 10 apples up on top, Owl Babies
-starting our in depth study of the letters: F, H, B
-intro into graphing (graphing shapes, graphing how many leaves tall we are)

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